
M. Firman Ichsan

M. Firman Ichsan

Chairman of The Board

Mochammad Firman Ichsan (1953). Terbiasa melihat Ibu belajar melukis ketika masa kecil di Stockholm. Kemudian persahabatan orangtuanya dengan pelukis Basuki Abdullah di Bangkok. Melahirkan apresiasinya pada seni lukis.
Namun ketika kuliah jurusan Niet Westerse Sociologie di Amsterdam, Belanda. Meskipun sering bertemu dengan pelukis aktivis-dalam asil Basuki Resubowo, ia menekuni bidang fotografi. Sekembalinya di Indonesia, tahun 1978 Ia mulai bekerja dalam bidang fotografi. Tahun 1992 untuk lebih dapat mengekspresikan diri, ia melukis bersama Maartri Djorghi dengan tutor Poerbonoadi.

Tigor Lubis

Tigor Lubis

Vice Chairman of the Board
Triyudha Ratulangie Ichwan

Triyudha Ratulangie Ichwan

General Secretary
Head of Curator Board

IPPA Cofounder
BNSP Certified Madya Photographer

Maria Lasakajaya Sari

Maria Lasakajaya Sari

Member of Curator Board

Dosen Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta

Peter F. Momor

Peter F. Momor

IPPA Cofounder

Andrew Linggar

Andrew Linggar

Chief Executive Officer

Founder of, a research on history of Indonesia photography.

Priadi Soefjanto

Priadi Soefjanto

Chief Program Officer

Director at InsCinema, Lecturer at POLIMEDIA Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif Official and Photographer at Freelance Photographer

Dibya Pradana

Dibya Pradana

Chief Operating Officer

Mengawali karir didunia teknologi sejak tahun 2000. Terjun di dunia fotografi sejak SMA, mendirikan salah satu media fotografi terbesar tanah air, tahun 2005. Saat ini telah mempunyai lebih dari 150.000 user dan lebih dari 100.000 foto di galerinya. Memenangkan beberapa penghargaan di dunia teknologi dan mewakili Indonesia di Lomba ICT Tingkat Asia Pacific (APICTA) di Melbourne 2009. Dinobatkan menjadi TOP 100 Digitalpreneur Indonesia oleh Majalah SWA tahun 2011. Berkontribusi pada Buku Blue Print Ekonomi Kreatif 2025 oleh Kemenparekraf.

Adjie Triwibowo

Adjie Triwibowo

General Manager

I am co founder at festivo, a production house dedicated in making Virtual Reality and 360 degrees contents.
My areas of expertise includes Photography, Video Producing and Virtual Reality.

M. Azmi

M. Azmi


Experienced as a professional photographer for over the past 18 years, I used to see the best side of everyone.
Apart from being a professional photographer, I also share my knowledge in my own photography school File Academy and currently being a mentor of portrait photography on professional photographer incubation program from The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

Marrysa Tunjung Sari

Marrysa Tunjung Sari

Public Relation

Editor in Chief Inflight Magazine Linkers.

David Dewantoro

David Dewantoro

Member of Curator Board
Firdaus Fadlil

Firdaus Fadlil

Member of Curator Board

IPPA Cofounder, BNSP Certified Assessor Competency

Rizal Pahlevi

Rizal Pahlevi

Member of Curator Board

IPPA Cofounder, BNSP Certified Madya Photographer

Dedy Irvandy

Dedy Irvandy

Head of Digital Media

BNSP Certified Madya. I'm Founder at Lavanaa Indonesia, a vendor engaged in Creative Industry Service. My Areas of Aerial Videography, Video Producing & Photography.

Wilson M.A. Therik

Wilson M.A. Therik

Digital Media Editor
Fachry Latief

Fachry Latief

Digital Media Editor

My goal with photos is always to create impact, evocative images that not only inform, but also sparked a desire to become involved in the photo that led to reflection on the human struggle and empathy or story with others, all the while, respecting the dignity of those who appear in photographs. If successful, We express image of humanity, which allows friends to see the little man on the other, the other hemisphere. Provide inform with pictures should motivate the view may empathize or at least be a deep reflection.