
Regular/Non-Professional Member

In the photography ecosystem, photographers relate to those who work together and support the profession both directly and indirectly. Writers, journalists, curators, educators, content creators, are those who help the wider community understand and appreciate the work and work of photographers. There are also complements such as; graphic designers, book publishers other than service users such as advertising agencies, and of course the owners of photographic equipment entrepreneurs who are directly related to the photography profession and its development. Those who have shown positive participation in the photography ecosystem are highly expected to join IPPA.

Professional Member

One of the requirements to become a Professional Member of IPPA, is to have a good portfolio and management. However, every professional has a different phase in achieving this. Therefore IPPA Professional Members are divided into three levels as follows:


Pprofessionals who have at least 1 year of experience and have quality work. Is developing to achieve better quality and governance.


Professionals with at least 5 years of experience. Have a good quality of work equipped with complete business administration governance.


Membership that already has good quality, professional management, complexity or larger business scale, with at least five years of experience.

Regular/Non-Professional Member Professional Member
Professional Member
Professional Member
Professional Photographer

1+ year

5+ year

5+ year

Tax ID
Health Insurance
Photo Portfolio
Business Identification Number
Certified BNSP Competency for Photography
IPPA Recommendation Letter

* Need to be complete prior 45 days after IPPA membership accepted letter publised

- Dewan Kurator akan menentukan penempatan/tingkat level anggota profesional.
- Keputusan Dewan Kurator bersifat mutlak.
- Anggota Fotografer Profesional yang diterima wajib membayar iuaran anggota sebesar Rp 125.000/tahun atau Rp 350.000/3 tahun
- Anggota Non-Fotografer Profesional dapat memberikan donasi.
- Pembuatan kartu anggota dan sertifikat sebesar Rp 100.000 (tidak termasuk ongkos kirim)

For affilitation please